105 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (continued) 27. Share-based payments - Long-Term Variable Award - - Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 HEINEKEN has a performance-based share plan (Long-Term Variable award (LTV)) forthe Executive Board and senior management. Underthis LTV plan, share rights are conditionally awarded to incumbents on an annual basis. The vesting of these rights is subject to the performance of Heineken NV on specific internal performance conditions and continued service over a three-year period. The performance conditions for LTV 2015-2017, LTV 2016-2018 and LTV 201 7-2019 are the same for the Executive Board and senior management and comprise solely of internal financial measures, being Organic Revenue Growth, Organic operating profit (as of LTV 2017-2019. LTV 2015-2017 and 2016-2018 are on Organic EBIT beia growth), Earnings Per Share (EPS) beia growth and Free Operating Cash Flow. At target performance, 100% of the awarded share rights vest. At threshold performance, 50% of the awarded share rights vest. At maximum performance, 200% of the awarded share rights vest forthe Executive Board as well as senior managers contracted by the US, Mexico, Brazil and Singapore, and 175% vest for all other senior managers. As per LTIP 201 7-2019 the maximum performance is set at 200% for all senior managers. The performance period forthe aforementioned plans are: LTV Performance period start Performance period end 2015-2017 2016-2018 2017-2019 1 January 2015 1 January 2016 1 January 2017 31 December 2017 31 December 2018 31 December 2019 The vesting date forthe Executive Board is shortly after the publication of the annual results of 201 7, 2018 and 2019 respectively and for senior management on 1 April 2018, 2019 and 2020 respectively. As HEINEKEN will withhold the tax related to vesting on behalf of the individual employees, the number of Heineken NV shares to be received will be a net number. The share rights are not dividend-bearing during the performance period. The fair value has been adjusted for expected dividends by applying a discount based on the dividend policy and historical dividend payouts, during the vesting period. The number of share rights granted and share price at grant date are as follows: Grant date/employees entitled Number* Based on share price Share rights granted to Executive Board in 2015 54,903 58.95 Share rights granted to senior management in 2015 534,298 58.95 Share rights granted to Executive Board in 2016 34,278 78.77 Share rights granted to senior management in 2016 398,850 78.77 Share rights granted to Executive Board in 2017 37,890 71.26 Share rights granted to senior management in 2017 472,116 71.26 *The number of shares is based on at target payout performance (100%). Under the LTV 2014-2016, a total of 61,508 (gross) shares vested forthe Executive Board and 740,873 (gross) shares vested for senior management. The number of shares vested forthe Executive Board only relates to Mr. Jean-Franqois van Boxmeer, as Ms. Laurence Debroux received LTI as per LTIP 2015-201 7. Based on the performance conditions, it is expected that approximately 689,495 shares of the LTV 2015-2017 will management and the Executive Board. vest in 2018 for senior The number, as adjusted forthe expected performance forthe various awards, and weighted average share price per share underthe LTV of senior management and Executive Board are as follows: Weighted average share price 2017 Number of share rights 2017 Weighted average share price 2016 Numberofshare rights 2016 Outstanding as at 1 January 60.40 1,873,347 52.26 1,854,782 Granted during the year 71.26 510,006 78.77 433,128 Forfeited during the year 69.41 (55,103) 58.33 (121,026) Vested during the year 49.08 (802,381) 50.47 (785,236) Performance adjustment 740,773 491,699 Outstanding as at 31 December 69.54 2,266,642 60.40 1,873,347 Under the extraordinary share plans for senior management 1,489 shares were granted and 18,647 (gross) shares vested. These extraordinary grants only have a service condition and vest between one and five years. The expenses relating to these additional grants are recognised in profit or loss during the vesting period. Expenses recognised in 2017 are €1,0 million (2016: €1.3 million). Matching shares, extraordinary shares and retention share awards granted to the Executive Board are disclosed in note 33.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 106