1995 1994 Earnings of non-consolidated participations Share in earnings 49,664 38,593 Interest Interest paid - 99,374 - 103,152 Interest received on cash deposits, etc. 123,227 119,624 23,853 16,472 T axation Taxation on profit 384,383 318,354 Taxation amounts to 37.3% (1994: 34.9%) of the Group profit before taxation and excluding the earnings of non-consolidated participations. The tax burden is influenced not only by the nominal rates of corporation tax and dividend tax in the various countries of establishment. Factors such as investment and other facilities, fiscally non-deductible costs, and pre-tax losses with no immediate possibilities of relief are also important. The tax burden rose owing to losses which could not be offset for tax purposes within the financial year and withholding taxes on higher earnings of several foreign consolidated participations. Net extraordinary income Extraordinary Group income - 58,636 58,636 The net extraordinary income in 1994 relates to the book profit on the sale of the 50% interest in Bols Benelux B. V. and is tax exempted. 54

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1995 | | pagina 67