Visit About this Summary Sustainobility Report This printed report summarises HEINEKEN's progress on Brewing a Better Future in 2013. The data in this report refers to the consolidated interests of Heineken N.V. Published in April 201A Heineken N.V. Global Corporate Relations P.O. Box 28 1000 AA Amsterdam The Netherlands Cocoon Silk is a coated recycled paper manufactured using a totally chlorine free process and certified as FSC® 100% recycled. The full and audited Sustainability Report 2013 is published online and includes detailed performance data, (moving) images and additional information like: 24 insightful case studies, covering our focus areas Detailed environmental data of our production units List of Operating Companies in scope Independent Assurance Report from KPMG Interactive GRI Table. Photography Monne Tuinhof Lars van den Brink Bob van der Vlist Paul Tolenaar Roger Dohmen Graphic design and electronic publishing Addison Group Printing Boom Verweij grafiservices, The Netherlands

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2013 | | pagina 24