I 16 I Safety Safety data on production units Heineken Group* Our strategy In order to meet our objectives, all production units are required to set local targets for accident frequency and severity as part of their Operational Plan. These targets should be in line with the overall objectives of Heineken. The safety parameters are monitored and benchmarked on a quarterly basis through our Brewery Comparison System. Furthermore, safety has been integrated into our TPM Programme. The Heineken Company has standards for the design of brewery equipment to ensure safe installations. Knowledge and best practices are collected and communicated in order to continuously improve the safety of our installations. Our production units perform maintenance of their installations and have operating procedures in place to help ensure that nuisance (for instance noise and odour emissions) is reduced. We make efforts to minimise the nuisance to our neighbouring communities and take action on recorded complaints. We do our utmost to comply with legal requirements. Nevertheless, occasionally fines are levied due to non-compliance. Activities in 2007 In 2007, we implemented the safety pillar of our TPM programme in a number of our breweries. This programme offers an instrument to reduce the number of accidents, ultimately aiming at zero accidents. A workshop was conducted for all our Western European Operating Companies. As a result of this workshop, specific activities which support the TPM safety pillar and which build on the initiatives already in place were started in several breweries including 's-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands), Marseille (France), Valencia and Madrid (Spain). There were continuous training sessions with regard to safety across our business, in some cases in combination with awareness programmes for employees; for example, in Nigeria a national Safety, Health Environment week was organised. During the year, we also issued a new standard specifically designed to address safety and emergency procedures related to all greenfield site activities given the increased risks of these types of projects. In Mawathagarma (Sri Lanka), a safety and health committee was established and an awareness programme was implemented. This programme included the provision of relevant personal protective equipment and the enforcement of its use. An awareness programme was also Parameters (absolute values)Un't2005 Fatalities of Company personnel Cases 2 0 1 Fatalities of contractor personnel Cases 0 1 1 Permanent disabilities of Company personnel Cases 2 3 6 Fatalities of Company personnel in commuting Cases 2 2 0 Parameters (absolute values) Accidents of company personnel Cases 662 677 633 Accidents of contractor personnel Cases 101 84 143 Lost days of company personnel Days 13,582 15,490 16,336 Production workforce (FTEs) FTEs 22,129 24,936 24,647 Performance indicators (average values) Achieved** Targets/Guide's Accident frequency Cases/lOOFTEs 3.0 2.7 2.6 Targets accident frequency Cases/lOOFTEs 2.1 2.0 Accident severity Lost days/100FTEs 61 62 68 Guide values accident severity Lost days/100FTEs 42 40 Excluding data from Gastein (Austria, in 2007), Bad Brambach, Donaueschingen, Karlsruhe, Chemnitz, Kulmbach, Plauen, Würzburg and Rosenheim (Germany). Performance data of 2007 relate to the companies that were part of the Heineken Group in 2006. Heineken N.V. Sustainability Report 2007

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2007 | | pagina 18